M/S Pharma Impex Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated on 11th. October 1977 in Kolkata as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1956.Pharma Impex Laboratories Pvt Ltd. is a prestigious member of IDMA, PHARMEXCIL, FOSMI etc.
Head Office at 10-C, Middleton Row, Park Street, Kolkata -71, India with 03 Manufacturing facilities as listed below:
Pharma Impex Laboratories Pvt Ltd. is one of the leading companies in Eastern India with Manufacturing of IV Fluids, Capsules, And Small Volume Parenterals (Dry Powder) β-lactam Injections facilities. We are serving our country efficiently for the last 45 years and are endeavoring in the export market with our proficiency.
Pharma Impex Laboratories Pvt Ltd has the modern age techniques in its all units. Our products are manufactured in highly sophisticated facilities ensuring highest level of quality at the people without any compromise. PHARMA IMPEX LABORATORIES PVT. LTD. is equipped with modern, sophisticated and automated FFS Technology.
Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore nulla facilisis.
500 blankets distributed to the 300workers,labours and their families.
Social Responsibilities
Building of school in Sundarban in association with Round Table India.
Health camp.